Thursday, October 16, 2008

A better day

After a couple of posts like the most recent, I realise I need to write here that I am feeling a tad better today. I'm very weak, I hurt when I bend over (like to fill dishwasher or get clothes from the dryer), but on the other hand, I don't hurt near as bad as yesterday.

Today, we went for a short drive into the forest. My husband is picking up big rocks and making a stone wall in front of our raspberries. The woods were so lovely and near the spring, the aspen were bright gold.

When we got home, I didn't feel so hot, so I sat for 15 minutes in the traction, then I laid down for a nap. My two dogs joined me, and an hour later, I woke up from such a sweet sleep. I felt no pain, my hound dog was nestled up close to me (and the little terrier x doxie was nearby) and I felt very clear headed. I am imagining it is the traction effects. And things like this help me to nudge forward in planning the surgery.

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