Monday, September 10, 2007

First Day on the Blog

In an effort to begin the process of writing a book about my experiences after suffering a broken neck, I thought I'd begin this blog as a sort of record. Also, I'd like to have a place to post inspirational thoughts, either ones that come to me, or ones I've read.

I've thought a long time before starting this. First of all, I just couldn't think of anyone I "know" would be interested enough to read my day-to-day thoughts. This is not a condemnation of family or friends, but more about how much my thoughts are worth, I'd suppose. Then I remembered all of the people I know who are sick and suffering; people I've met online with Chiari Malformation and/or syringomyelia; Ehlers Danlos Syndrome; Tethered Cord Syndrome; and other conditions. These people might be interested enough to read here once in awhile. And I might be able to offer some support from time to time.

So, with this ungainly "wagons ho!" I'll begin my blog and see how it evolves and what it becomes.

Welcome to all who are reading this. The door is open, the latch string is left out, the porch light is on.


dandan said...

I've read as much of your remarkable story as I could in one sitting, and plan to finish reading it as soon as possible. Hat's off to you, friend. You are to be admired.

By His Grace said...

Thanks, Hathair!! And you are one tough cookie if you've read through all of this folderall!

I appreciate your kind words, and thanks for reading. I pray you'll do well and be well.
