Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lost My Way

Devin posted this on the ChiariConnectionInternational message board and I liked it so much,
I asked her if I could post it here. She said yes, so here it is, and I think some of you readers will understand her words.

Lost My Way

If you listen, I am here. We are the same in so many ways
Please listen closely as I speak at times,
I cannot make my mouth produce the right words, yet they are there.
Be patient with me. Do not assume that today I can conquer it all,
just because I slept all night through.
Walk a little slower because, like a child, I lose my footing, too.
Smile; do not feel that because I hurt
that we all have to walk around in a state of gloom.
Forgive, that I forget as I am not sure why,
I always have the best intentions, I do.
Try to understand that no, I have not become cynical.
I have temporarily lost my way.
Hold out your arms and be strong. I need a rock,
but I also can be yours in a different way.
Pain can change day to day, minute to second.
I am not complaining
I need to voice it
Inside it is still me. I am still fun, I just need to get strong.
Understand that one day, I WILL be the real me again.
Right now I am just trying to get back on the trail
but I have learned so much from the detour

Devin Kalisz

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